
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Transitions into Mommy-Hood

Hello world... I am back on the scene. I am not new to blogging, but I may as well be.It has been three years since my last post, from a previous blog I might add. Some may have heard of me from my previous blog From One Country to Another. It is basically the beginning of my story, and looking back I was a much more positive person, with a great outlook on life, ready for anything. A lot has changed in the last three years, I got married, had a rambunctious little girl, and lost that carefree attitude I once had.

It is time to get back to that person I once was and I hope to achieve that with this blog. If you ever decide to check out my previous blog you will find out how I survived living in Mexico for my first few years(future blog post to come), I am still here and trying to raise my new baby girl, being a first time momma is not easy and learning to be the best mom I can be has been quiet interesting and eventful living in a different culture and surviving living in the same house with my in-laws (another story in itself lol). I hope that you decide to join me on my journey through these transitions and on my adventures through Mommy-Hood.


  1. Love it can't wait to read about all your new adventures :)

  2. Thank you!! Can't wait to share them :)
